5 Tips to Improve Your SEO Positioning


By following these suggestions I've provided below you can increase your SEO or organic ranking to ensure that whenever you type in your keywords and thematics in Google your website is the first page that users click. The Glamy SEO services can help you gain knowledge concerning SEO positioning.

1. Original content

While this may seem obvious, I'd like to draw attention to the issue. Google severely penalizes " copiotas ", so to be friendly in your manner. Find at least two duplicates and will penalize the other person who entered the details via the Internet.

Imagine you were given an interview that you wanted to replicate it on your site. In this scenario, Google would penalize you therefore the solution might be to capture a screenshot and upload the image into your site.

2. Visit frequently to get a good time.

Another method that Google is able to determine which pages on the internet are the most effective is by the amount of time they spend on the website. If it discovers that users spend much time on your site this will help you by increasing your ranking in the search results.

3. Share on Social Networks

The more frequently your content gets on Social Networks, the better your SEO position. Create a simple experience for your visitors to use it, by placing buttons for social media in prominent areas of your site as well as in your articles on your blog. This way if they like what you've published, they can be sure to share it with others. If you write quality content your readers feel thankful for the knowledge you've given them and will want to share the information with their community.

I'll mention the example that is Google +. It's not a surprise that the social media network of Google is not just a attract users. Therefore Google + is extremely beneficial to users who utilize it. Google+, it benefits our position greatly.

4. Content that is linked

What is this referring to? On our site, we connect to other websites or social networks, as well as other blogs, etc. External and internal hyperlinks. Also, our site is linked to other sites that are related to our topic that we consider fascinating and other websites that endorse us, and all of our social media networks should point to our website, for example.

Beware of this. The links you click on must be safe but they are no more valuable more than a website in a different language, with malware, malicious content or with no content that links to us. If Google finds a large number of linked pages, from sites that are not related to our subject, it could punish us.

5. Keywords

It is a must, of course. If are looking to establish yourself using certain keywords, they need to be on many different pages of your blog or website. Where? In particular, in the subtitles and titles within the first 200 words within the text all throughout the text, in bold or italic font, in the meta-description of the text, titles and in the alternative texts for the images, and within the URL (they should be brief and simple).

Additionally, if they appear everywhere you should also consider how often you'll use these keywords. Ideally, these words are repeated 0.5 percent throughout the text. Numerous tools can calculate your proportion of keywords.

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Margaret Dalton

Hi, I am Margaret Dalton Digital . I am a passionate SEO Expert, Digital Marketer & Influencer Marketer. I am also a Social Media Marketer by profession. I'll help you grow your Audience and Engage. Margaret Dalton Digital is a blog about seo and marketing tips.

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