What are Facebook ad impressions?


Facebook ads are among the most effective methods to reach out to your intended public. When you make an Facebook advertisement, you're giving your website or product with exposure to potential clients who may have an interest in the services you provide.

There are two ways that Facebook utilizes to determine how many times your advertisement has received. It can be done using 'views' or "impressions'. A view occurs when the user clicks on an advertisement and it is loaded into their browser. While an impression occurs when someone sees the Ad but doesn't take action on the ad. The impression count can also encompass things like shares and likes which basically means that even if they do not actually view your advertisement it self, they've nevertheless had exposure to the ad in some way!

It's crucial to track the number of views and impressions, so that you get an optimal exposure of your advertising. In this way, you're more likely to get attention in potential buyers who would never otherwise have seen the advertisement!


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